Meet WOMEN’S WAY’s 2022 Change The Narrative Fellows: Tamara Marie Cobb

2 min readApr 26, 2022

My name is Tamara Marie Cobb, mother of three children. I’m a Certified Community Health Worker at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children in Philadelphia, PA. I was born in Philadelphia, where I currently reside with my daughter and cats. My passion for working in my community developed during the late 1990s as an AmeriCorps volunteer. Volunteering created a passion inside me to be a part of the change. My interest was sparked, and it was full speed ahead for me to be an example of what change can look like. Doing the work, I had no idea that the real work needed to begin with me first.

Years have moved on, and I continued to work in my community, but not on myself. I had no idea where to start, but I can say today I was in pain and living in survival mode daily. Growing up as a teenager was difficult for me, and I became a mother at the age of 16; my daughter Denasia was born premature and developmentally delayed. Denasia passed on to Heaven at the tender age of 4. I also had two other children born after Denasia, and they were my responsibility.

Completing my Certified Peer Specialist Training in 2012 helped me look a little more inside myself, but I didn’t use the tools I was taught to help myself. I also completed a Community Health Workers Training offered by Temple University in 2016. I was going through growing pains and depression during the training, but I completed the training anticipating helping people. I continued to neglect my own Mental Health along with my children. The issues of abandonment, grief, domestic violence, poverty, and low-self esteem kept showing up daily. In 2017 I graduated from Harcum College because I thought it was what I was supposed to do!

During the pandemic, my practice of increasing my search for God has helped to connect the dots. Today, I feel better about myself and enjoy the work I do at the hospital. I pray to be an agent for change, continue to learn, grow, and be an advocate for healing.

Tamara Marie Cobb for WOMEN’S WAY 2022

Click here to learn more about the Change the Narrative Fellowship Program!




WOMEN’S WAY is the Greater Philadelphia region’s leading nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of women, girls, and gender equity.